Goal 2: Zero Hunger | The Agenda 2030 and Tourism
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    || The 2030 Agenda and Tourism > Goal 2: Zero Hunger

    End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

    By Ma Rosalie Abeto Zerrudo, College of Technology/CLASE, University of San Agustin

    If tourism is to contribute to achieving goal 2 “End hunger” it is important to ‘think local’ – not only serving the interests of tourists, but of the local people. An integrated holistic food-based approach to tourism enables local farmers to grow nutritional food using responsible agricultural practices allowing them not only to feed their families but also to earn an income by selling produce to tourism enterprises. While a few progressive and mindful travelers increasingly demand locally grown, traditional food, the rise of fast food chains has commercialized food production and changed local lifestyles in many parts of the world. Furthermore, food waste in tourism is a serious concern to the achievement of goal 2.