Goal 5: Gender Equality | The Agenda 2030 and Tourism
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    Goal 5: Gender equality

    Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls


    By Daniela Moreno Alarcón, Equality in Tourism

    The 2030 Agenda is a tool that rethinks sustainable development at social, economic and environmental levels. If there is no gender equality and empowerment of women, there cannot be sustainable development. To pigeonhole the work of gender and tourism solely in the tourism-related SDGs (8.9, 12, 12b, 14, and 14.7) would lead to a reduction of efforts aimed at consolidating the sustainable development of tourism. It is well-known that tourism has an impact beyond job creation, particularly in terms of environmental, social and political effects generated. Furthermore, employment analysis gives rise to a chain of multiple variables related to the economy, poverty, politics and social health, which has different effects on men and women, that has to be taken into account, if tourism wants to contribute to the achievement of Goal 5 on gender equality.